
Welcome to youth football at SSV Schwaibach!

Our youth coaches are on the pitch every week with great enthusiasm and commitment, training children and young people aged 3-18.

We welcome all girls and boys who want to play football - a short message by email, What's App or phone is enough, a trial training session is possible at any time.

We offer a family atmosphere, a great community with lots of fun and exercise in the fresh air and many wonderful experiences on the football field with children of the same age.

Our youth teams train in Schwaibach during the summer. But we don't stop training in the winter. The youngest children continue to train in the sports halls, even during the cold season.

Are you interested in football and would like to see how well you can handle the ball? Then check out which year group you belong to and come along to a free trial training session.

If you are not sure which year group you can train with, just write to the youth leader, who will send you the contact details and training times.

We look forward to seeing you!

Greetings from Viktor (youth leader) together with all youth coaches

Viktor Goeppert

Youth leader

Contact: 01525 4696061

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